Creating Lasting Impressions
PR | Coaching | Speaking
"After years of publicizing coaches and receiving coaching, I still didn’t feel its full power. It was helpful, but I would never have described it as transformative. However, once you experience the type of coaching that is the right fit, it quickly feels like a must have – because the right coaching is life-altering. Nothing is more fulfilling, enriching and rewarding for me to receive or deliver. I have found my calling and have learned that it’s never too late to live your dreams."
– Jackie Pantaliano
If you want to feel as if a switch has completely flipped that allows you to approach your life and work with new enthusiasm, creativity, enjoyment, ease, and confidence.
If you want to uncover the hidden you, reaching out in new directions without fear, shame, or other roadblocks that have been holding you back.
If you’re open to looking at your blind spots and you’d benefit from deep insights that propel you forward in areas in which you were formerly stuck. A great coach is a mirror, pointing out all of the things you are expressing, but not noticing.
If you’re at a high success level where you don’t have a confidante, or you are more comfortable displaying strength in personal or business situations, than sharing worries or vulnerabilities and need a safe, confidential, effective outlet to be real, to be open, and to hear honest feedback.
If on the other hand, you’re someone who enjoys self-help books, therapy and delving, and asking others for advice, but aren’t really experiencing the changes you’re learning about, and you struggle to follow your gut.
If you need help in any of the following areas, with which Jackie has extensive personal and professional experience:
Picking a coach is very personal. There needs to be a “click.” A feeling of trust and comfort, a feeling that “this person gets me” and will be my cheerleader. But, it’s more than that. Because you can easily rely on your spouse, best friend, or even your dog to fill those roles!
For truly life-changing results, there must be a feeling that this person will tell you the truth, delivered with the deepest respect, empathy, and with your permission. A coach needs to be smart and intuitive and needs to challenge you to go further. You need to commit to working in tandem with your coach.
Jackie’s coaching is highly personalized and tailored to her clients’ needs. She doesn’t rely on pat forms and techniques. Her coaching is structured to meet your goals, but also to address what shows up.
Jackie operates from experience, having exhibited dramatic changes in her confidence, relationships, work and life and the strong desire to help others achieve the same.
Jackie Pantaliano has been a publicist for coaches, professionals, and businesses of virtually every size and type for more than 25 years. She publicized her first coaching client in the year 2000 and has witnessed the mass proliferation of the profession, its various niches and coaching personalities ever since.
She has also been a recipient of various forms of coaching and counseling over the years. When Jackie received Deep Coaching from Nico Olivieri of Milan, Italy, (on Zoom) via the teachings of Rich Litvin and other masters in the field, she knew this was life altering, and that she had to study further and share it with others.
In terms of delivery, Jackie has been informally coaching her entire life. Affectionately named the “resident mama” by her boss in her first post-college job, friends and strangers have reached out to Jackie throughout her life for her wise counsel, compassion, intelligence, empathy, and enthusiasm.
Communicating verbally and in writing, connecting the dots in terms of details and the big picture, and helping others, comes naturally to Jackie. Her background as an English major, with extensive coursework in Sociology, Communications, and Psychology, and her more than 25 years as a successful Public Relations professional and business owner support this.
Jackie’s experience advocating for a special needs son (for nearly 25 years) and leading a local chapter of a special needs support group also bear this out, as does her nearly 30 years as a wife and stepparent of 3 children, now adults, with one precious granddaughter. Jackie is dedicated and deeply caring. While her coaching technique is innate, Jackie backs that up with extensive coach study and training.
Jackie operates from a place of curiosity, heart, warmth, deep regard, and interest in others. She helps to build confidence, creativity and excitement, a sense of fearlessness, acceptance, and acknowledgement that we’re human and no matter what has happened in our life and how old we are, we can learn, grow, and change. For those familiar with the Myers-Briggs assessment, Jackie is an ENFP personality. Those who are unfamiliar can learn more here: If interested, you can also take a free assessment and discover your own personality type.
(photo credit – Cindy Williamson Mathis)
Jackie became friendly online with a woman who after several deep communiques, felt safe enough to share something that took her more than 15 years to share with her spouse. She said, "I only recently told two close friends, and it was easiest telling you. This is your gift. You have a wonderful openness that allows people to feel safe. I know that you would never betray that trust.”
After an initial 2-1/2 hour coaching session, a recipient commented: “That was powerful!” She noted that she never before correlated certain repetitive phrases or reactions of hers, or had such deep realizations about her confidence in certain situations, as opposed to her lack of confidence in others, and how and when to notice and link them. These realizations were personal and work-related.
Another recipient of Jackie’s insights said, “I can’t tell you how much I learned… You always have such an amazing way of helping me see things differently. I’ll take as much Jackie as I can get.”
To conduct her work most effectively, Jackie accepts a limited number of coaching clients annually. To determine if this is a fit for you and Jackie, contact her for a complimentary 2-hour coaching session at or at 856-874-1581.
(photo credit – Adam Page Taylor)